IPC Summit

5 - 7 th of June, 2024

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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”The craft of coaching becomes mastery through
practice and mentorship.”

June 2024 Edition

The prestigious EdAlt Institute in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, will host the 2024 Edition of the International Summit for Professional Coaching.

Leading the event will be Svea van der Hoorn, MCC & SP, a true powerful maverick in professional coaching, Past President ICF South Africa Charter Chapter, member of the Ethics Independent Review Board (IRB) at ICF Global, accompanied by Mihai Bejenaru, PCC & SP, founder of IServe Problem Solving Methodology™. With her profound insights, Svea will empower coaching professionals to achieve unprecedented levels of mastery. Meanwhile, we are honored to welcome another two esteemed experts in professional coaching: Rudolf Nyari, PCC & SP, President of ICF Romania, and Cristina Mühl, PCC & SP, President of ICF Germany, who will bring their practical approach in the Summit.

All professional coaching experiences at the Summit will adhere to the competencies and ethical standards outlined by the International Coaching Federation and European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

The entire event will be held in English.

We are excited to welcome approximately 30 executives and 30 coaching professionals to this immersive and practical professional coaching experience.

For participating executives, the summit offers the opportunity to experience coaching firsthand, clarify the distinctions between what coaching is and what it isn’t, and understand the significant impact coaching can have on the organisations they lead.

For professional coaches, it provides a valuable opportunity to experience coaching mastery in action, benchmark best practices, and gain new insights from the practical sessions and subsequent debriefings.


Join us for three enriching days filled with mastery coaching experience, personal insights, tailored coaching sessions, and networking.

15:30 – 16:30: Welcome & Registration
Get settled and prepare for an enriching experience.

16:30 – 17:00: Summit Opening
Welcome message & Purpose of the Summit presented by Svea Van der Hoorn and Mihai Bejenaru

17:00 – 19:00: Deep Dive into an Executive Coaching experience with Svea van der Hoorn.
Join us for a two-hour group-session led by Svea van der Hoorn, where she will showcase best practices in executive coaching.

19:00 – 21:00: Opening Cocktail of the Summit
Perfect networking opportunity for participants to engage in the professional coaching experience.
9:00: Welcome & Introductory
Start the day with an engaging introductory session featuring esteemed guests and setting the tone for a productive day ahead.

9:30-11:00: Demostrative Coaching Session with Ovidiu Manoilescu
Ovidiu will perform a real public coaching session, which will be debriefed demonstratively by Svea van der Hoorn, who will also answer questions from the audience, explaining competences & analysing technical elements.

11:30 – 13:00: Demonstrative Coaching Session with Cristina Băcilă
Cristina will perform a real public coaching session, which will be debriefed demonstratively by Svea van der Hoorn, who will also answer questions from the audience, explaining competences & analysing technical elements.

13:00 – 14:30: Lunch Break at Marco Polo Restaurant
Take a break to recharge and network with fellow attendees.

14:30 – 16:00: Demonstrative Coaching Session with Rudolf Nyari
Rudolf will perform a real public coaching session, which will be debriefed demonstratively by Svea van der Hoorn, who will also answer questions from the audience, explaining competences & analysing technical elements.

16:30 – 18:00: Presentation Leadership Coaching Process on IServe Problem Solving MethodologyTM & group demonstration with Mihai Bejenaru
Mihai will present the Leadership Coaching & Mentoring Process on IServe Problem Solving MethodologyTM and will perform a blind group demonstration to explore the outcomes of this approach, without knowing the subjects of the participants.

18:15 – 19:30: Closing Debrief of the day
Reflecting on the day’s activities, consider the key takeaways from a day filled with professional coaching practice.
16:30 – 22:00: Summit Garden Cocktail

As the event draws to a close, you will have the chance to unwind and network in an exquisite & natural setting perfect for open discussions, reflections & new perspectives about professional coaching between all the participants.

Indulge in a culinary showcase featuring master chef Sorin Berar, who will present exquisite dishes to delight your taste buds in a live cooking show.

Summit Professionals

Svea van der Hoorn

Leadership Coach, MCC, SP, Coach Maverick, Mentor & Supervisor

A seasoned and innovative coach educator, ethics thought leader, award winning coach supervisor, and leadership coach with multi-sectoral, multi-lingual and multi-cultural experience. Past President ICF South Africa Charter Chapter, adept at creating adult learning environments where coaches can cultivate their unique sparkle and hone their mastery.

Mihai Bejenaru

Leadership Coach, PCC, SP, Team Coach, Mentor & Supervisor

 A reputable Leadership Coach, founder of IServe Problem Solving MethodologyTM, one of the most effective and revolutionary problem approach developed worldwide, President of EdAlt Institute.

Rudolf Nyari

Executive Coach, PCC, SP, Team Coach, Mentor & Supervisor

A distinguished Executive Coach & Team Coach, with a powerful performance approach including the sport world, presently ICF Romania President and  coordinator of Team Coaching & Sports Coaching Department in EdAlt Institute. 

Cristina Mühl

PCC, SP, ESIA, ITCA, ACTC Team Coach, Mentor & Supervisor

An influential figure in the coaching profession, recognized for her extensive corporate background, commitment to excellence, and her tireless efforts in shaping the future of coaching.
Currently, serving as the President-Elect of ICF Germany and member of the EMCC Global Research Ethics Committee.

Cristina Băcilă

Leadership Coach, SP, Team Coach & Mentor

A senior HR Professional with over 19 years of expertise in cultivating the growth and development of individuals and teams, proficient in using training, coaching, mentoring, and facilitation techniques to achieve desired outcomes.

Ovidiu Manoilescu

Leadership Coach & Mentor

An accomplished manager with 14 years of expertise in team leadership and coaching. Ovidiu’s strong technical skills enhance his ability to navigate complex challenges and support teams in achieving their objectives.


Wednesday & Thursday coaching sessions

DoubleTree by Hilton, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Friday Summit Garden Cocktail 

Feleacu Hill Mansion

Registration fee

679 Euro Summit participation



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Effective Date: March 30, 2024

16:00 – 17:00:
Welcome Get settled in and prepare for an enriching experience ahead.

17:00 – 19:00:
Deep Dive into Executive Coaching with Svea van der Hoorn.
Join us for a two-hour session led by Svea van der Hoorn, where she will showcase best practices in executive coaching. Witness firsthand valuable coaching techniques, including communication skills, client understanding, and goal-setting. Take away key learnings on rapport-building and powerful questioning techniques to elevate your coaching practice.


Welcome & Introductory Session Start the day with an engaging introductory session featuring esteemed guests, setting the tone for a productive day ahead.

10:00 – 11:30:
Coaching Session with Ovidiu Manoilescu

11:45 – 13:15:
Coaching Session with Cristina Băcilă

13:15 – 14:30:
Lunch Break Take a break to recharge and network with fellow attendees.

15:00 – 16:30:
Coaching Session with Mihai Bejenaru

16:45 – 18:00:
Concluding Session with Svea van der Hoorn

Wrap up the day with a session led by Svea van der Hoorn, where she will offer valuable insights and guidance. Following the session, participate in a closing debrief to reflect on key learnings and experiences from the day.

18:20 – 19:30:
Closing Debrief Session Reflect on the day’s sessions and receive personalized feedback from Svea van der Hoorn during the closing debrief session.

Friday at 4pm

Garden Cocktail Networking Event

As the event draws to a close, you will have the chance to unwind and network in the scenic surroundings of the Feleacu Hill mansion.
Join us for an exquisite garden cocktail event, beginning at 16:00. Indulge in a culinary showcase featuring master chef Sorin Beraru, who will present exquisite dishes to to delight your taste buds. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to unwind, elevate your coaching practice, and create lasting connections in a stunning setting. Secure your spot today and embark on a transformative journey with us!
Cristina Mühl, a highly accomplished professional with a diverse background in corporate leadership, coaching, and mentoring, serves as a beacon of excellence in the coaching profession. With a rich history in international business, compliance, and audit, she brings a wealth of experience to her role as a Coach Trainer, Team Coach, Mentor Coach, and Supervisor.

Cristina’s commitment to continuous learning and personal growth is evident through her numerous coaching accreditations, including Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC), and Supervision Individual Accreditation (ESIA), among others. She is deeply involved in shaping the future of coaching as a Subject Matter Expert with ICF Global and currently holds the position of President-Elect of ICF Germany, demonstrating her leadership and vision for the industry.

Cristina is the driving force behind SolutionsAcademy Romania, an esteemed coaching school accredited by both ICF and EMCC, showcasing her dedication to providing top-quality coaching education. Her published work on team coaching, “Solution Focused Team Coaching,” co-authored with Kirsten Dierolf, further solidifies her expertise in the field.

Cristina’s impact extends beyond individual coaching sessions; she champions the development of coaching cultures within organizations, enabling individuals and teams to realize their full potential. Recognized for her extensive corporate background, coaching excellence, and leadership in the coaching community, Cristina Mühl stands as an influential figure shaping the future of coaching.
Ovidiu Manoilescu boasts 14 years in management, notably in telecommunications, where he has been refining leadership, project management, and resource allocation. His commitment to personal and professional development is evident through his role as a Coach and Lecturer at EdAlt Institute, where he shares his wealth of experience with aspiring leaders.

With a keen interest in understanding human motivation and growth, Ovidiu leverages his 14 years of management experience to empower individuals and teams to reach their full potential. His coaching journey began as a pursuit for personal development, evolving into a profound exploration of human nature and its possibilities.

As a Certified Professional Coach in IServe Leadership Coaching Methodology, Ovidiu is equipped with the tools and insights to guide clients on their journey of self-discovery and growth. Beyond his corporate roles, Ovidiu is deeply engaged in his community, volunteering his time as a photographer and supporting various cultural and environmental initiatives.

His dedication to excellence is underscored by numerous honors and awards, including recognition for his contributions to coaching, culture, and community development. Ovidiu’s unique blend of managerial expertise, coaching proficiency, and community engagement positions him as a valuable asset to both his clients and the broader society.
Cristina Bacila is a seasoned Leadership Coach with a wealth of experience and expertise in the field. She serves as a Coach and Lecturer at the esteemed EdAlt Institute, where she passionately guides individuals towards personal and professional excellence.

Cristina’s journey in Human Resources has equipped her with specialized skills in training and development, skills assessment, and organizational growth. Cristina is recognized as a thought leader in her field, regularly sharing insights and engaging with her audience. Her extensive professional background includes significant roles such as HR Manager at Ecolor and Training Manager at Société des Ateliers Louis Vuitton, where she spearheaded comprehensive training and development initiatives.

Endorsed by colleagues and peers for her proficiency in training and performance management, Cristina is esteemed for her people-oriented approach and dedication to nurturing talent. Cristina’s dedication to continuous learning and self-improvement is evident through her active participation in professional development activities and her pursuit of advanced certifications in coaching methodologies.

Beyond her corporate roles, Cristina actively contributes to community initiatives, leveraging her expertise to support aspiring professionals and foster a culture of growth and development.
Mihai Bejenaru, a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), is a renowned leader in coaching, committed to excellence and transformative impact. With over a decade of dedicated experience, Mihai has established himself as a trusted mentor and catalyst for personal and professional growth.

His coaching journey began with a deep-seated passion for unlocking human potential, which has since propelled him to help countless individuals and teams achieve their goals. Mihai’s coaching style is characterized by its fusion of compassion, accountability, and strategic insight, fostering profound transformations in his clients’ lives.

Specializing in leadership development, career transitions, and emotional intelligence, he equips his clients with the tools and mindset necessary to thrive in today’s ever-evolving landscape. Mihai’s approach is underpinned by rigorous training and accreditation from internationally recognized coaching institutions, ensuring the highest standards of excellence in his practice.

He is known for his ability to create a safe and empowering space where clients feel inspired to explore their potential and overcome barriers. Mihai’s impact extends beyond individual coaching sessions, as he also delivers workshops, seminars, and keynote speeches on topics ranging from resilience to effective communication.

Committed to giving back to his community, Mihai volunteers his time to mentor aspiring coaches and contributes to social initiatives focused on personal development and empowerment. With a relentless dedication to his craft and a genuine desire to see others succeed, Mihai Bejenaru stands as a beacon of inspiration in the world of coaching.
Svea van der Hoorn is a seasoned expert in coaching, renowned for her transformative approach to personal and professional development. With over 15 years of experience in the field, Svea has honed her skills to empower individuals and organizations to reach their full potential.

Her coaching philosophy is deeply rooted in empathy, active listening, and strategic guidance. Svea specializes in executive coaching, leadership development, and team dynamics, helping her clients navigate challenges and seize opportunities with confidence.

Leveraging advanced certifications in coaching methodologies, she adopts a holistic approach tailored to each client’s unique needs and goals. Svea’s dynamic coaching style fosters self-awareness, resilience, and sustainable growth. She is celebrated for her ability to unlock untapped potential, inspiring clients to overcome obstacles and achieve breakthrough results.

Beyond her coaching practice, Svea is a sought-after speaker and thought leader, regularly contributing insights to industry publications and conferences. Committed to continuous learning, she stays abreast of the latest research and trends in coaching to offer cutting-edge strategies that drive lasting change.

Svea’s passion for empowering others extends beyond the boardroom, as she volunteers her time to mentor aspiring coaches and support community initiatives focused on personal development.
Garden Cocktail Networking Event

As the event draws to a close, you will have the chance to unwind and network in the scenic surroundings of the Feleacu Hill mansion.

Join us for an exquisite garden cocktail event, beginning at 16:00. Indulge in a culinary showcase featuring master chef Sorin Beraru, who will present exquisite dishes to delight your taste buds.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to unwind, elevate your coaching practice, and create lasting connections in a stunning setting. Secure your spot today and embark on a transformative journey with us!
Welcome & Introductory Session Start the day with an engaging introductory session featuring esteemed guests, setting the tone for a productive day ahead.

10:00 – 11:30:
Coaching Session with Ovidiu Manoilescu

11:45 – 13:15:
Coaching Session with Cristina Băcilă

13:15 – 14:30:
Lunch Break.
Take a break to recharge and network with fellow attendees.

15:00 – 16:30:
Coaching Session with Mihai Bejenaru

16:45 – 18:00:
Concluding Session with Svea van der Hoorn
Wrap up the day with a session led by Svea van der Hoorn, where she will offer valuable insights and guidance. Following the session, participate in a closing debrief to reflect on key learnings and experiences from the day.

18:20 – 19:30:
Closing Debrief Session Reflect on the day’s sessions and receive personalized feedback from Svea van der Hoorn during the closing debrief session.
16:00 – 17:00:


Get settled in and prepare for an enriching experience ahead.

17:00 – 19:00:

Deep Dive into Executive Coaching with Svea van der Hoorn.

Join us for a two-hour session led by Svea van der Hoorn, where she will showcase best practices in executive coaching. Witness firsthand valuable coaching techniques, including communication skills, client understanding, and goal-setting. Take away key learnings on rapport-building and powerful questioning techniques to elevate your coaching practice.